Time on our hands

PredictWind Tracker with OCC Atlantic Crossing Fleet 22-07-2020 As the situation eases in the Atlantic with most cruisers having reached their destinations in Europe, America and the Caribbean, we find ourselves with a little more time on our hands. The Pacific fleet is in capable hands. So I'm wondering now what to take on next. I have to write up the pandemic response of OCC for the ICC Annual and the OCC Flying Fish. We're also going to write up the new PredictWind tracker software that we got to beta-test in the fleet. But what next after that? There are more than 15M confirmed cases of coronavirus in the world. More than 4M and climbing fast in the States. Ireland is number 56 on the list with only 25,800 cases confirmed. But we are not launching Aleria this year. As the sole carers for Alex's mom, we cannot be away for even the three days it would take to bring her home from Kilrush. Pantaenius which has insured Aleria since day 1 decided to jack up o...