Ride to the fort

Fort Meagher in Camden is on the promontory under which we anchored under sail. It's a short ride from Crosshaven so we thought we'd do a bit of exploring. Once again, it was a beautiful day. We asked Google Maps to show us the way. We rode our bikes along the shore road until it stopped, then hiked the short distance up the hill to the fort. The fort is quite interesting, as is its history, although it's not very pretty. Originally built in the 16th century, the current structure dates back to the 1860s. Much of it is underground, with miles of tunnels, some still closed, and massive stairwells. The views over Cork Harbour are stunning and there was an amazing exodus of yachts to a nearby anchorage since it was 'shocking hot'. The fort is being restored by volunteers and the County Council. It's entirely made of concrete, built shortly after concrete was invented, in a star configuration. The volunteers are very knowledgeable and helpful. There's a lov...