Ocean Sailing Book Review

Your Adventure on the High Seas Starts Now For many sailors, an ocean passage is the big dream. But worry about having the right experience, the right boat or the 'right stuff' keeps many from setting out. Ocean Sailing paints a picture of what crossing oceans is really about, told through the experiences of those who have already ventured across the world's oceans themselves. Members of three great cruising clubs - the Ocean Cruising Club, Royal Cruising Club and the Cruising Club of America - share their vast experience, and focus on the practicalities of ocean sailing to allay the anxieties and doubts of prospective ocean cruisers. Paul Heiney, a British broadcaster and ocean sailor, asked his friends in the well-respected bluewater sailing clubs to share their expertise in various areas of ocean cruising. Topics covered range from safety to boat outfitting and preparation, budgeting, communications, equipment breakdowns and repair, choosing destinat...