
Showing posts with the label Covid

Sobering, unfathomable

  Today's New York Times cover page...each dot in the graphic represents a life lost.   Almost 29M infected in the US, and 510K deaths. Globally 112M confirmed and 2.5M dead.  In Ireland, we will be on lockdown until the end of April. God help us. Pandemic blues


PredictWind Fleet tracker - some of the cruisers we helped Last month, Alex and I, along with several other OCC members, were recognised by two awards for the work we did in supporting sailors who were being threatened by border closures around the world as the pandemic spread. The first was the Royal Cruising Club which awarded the OCC their Medal for Services to Cruising. That was a very special bit of recognition coming from the RCC.   The second award was the OCC Award given to Alex, me, Moira, Tim, Fi and Guy. We all worked to help cruisers stuck in various places, being stopped from reprovisioning and taking on fuel and water, and facing hurricane and cyclone seasons in the wrong places. We basically helped people make their own decisions about what to do and supported them with safety back up when they did.  We were really honoured to be recognised for this work. It was really rewarding to be able to help so many people and it really did keep us so busy that we d...

Solstice and conjunction

   Clouds to the SW obscure view of the conjunction Yesterday evening between 4 and 6 pm we might have seen a rare stellar event: the extraordinary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. The last time the planets were this close from our viewpoint on Earth was almost 400 hundred years ago on 16 July 1623. It is thought to be the Star of Bethlehem.  Jupiter and Saturn 21 Dec 2020 by E. Piotrowski via twitter But no conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Clew Bay tonight. Clouds to the SW were not moving at all. Moon in a haze. Next time it will happen is 800 years from now.  This time in 2010, we were experiencing a big freeze in Mayo. We had spent the winter of 2009-2010, which was even worse by all accounts, in the Caribbean having sailed off in 2009, just a year after arriving in Ireland. It's not very cold this year and, in fact, lots of flowers are blooming and buds budding.  Yet, we have turned the corner on the solstice and, though Newgrange was closed to the p...