Day 1: Scoping out boot Düsseldorf

One of the entrances Yacht silver and wood accessories We arrived early Saturday morning, our flight from Dublin having departed at 7 am - ungodly. We'd spent the night at the Clayton at Dublin Airport and left our car there. It's a two-hour flight and one-hour time difference, so we were in Düsseldorf precisely at 10 am, took a train to our hotel (Holiday Inn Express - won't stay there again, but it was popular with boat show attendees and exhibitors), dropped off luggage and took another train to the boat show. We didn't know the lay of the land yet but hopped a tram, got off when others did and ended up at exactly the right place to check-in with Press credentials. Hall 17 - big sail boats German Frers' Euphoria We then went in search of boats. Hall 15 first, Hall 16, then Hall 17. We quickly learned we needed to sign up for an appointment to view the yachts. Our primary objective was the see the Ovni, the Allure and the Garcia, boats we knew...