Sam has arrived

Remnants of extratropical Hurricane Sam have arrived over Ireland causing unusual weather for several days. It started with rain this morning, which by 11:00 am had turned into a sustained downpour. Definitely tropical in nature. Around 1:30, suddenly all the windows in the house fogged up -- from the outside! That meant that tropical air had arrived and it was colder inside than outside. Sure enough, the temps increased significantly and the humidity went through the roof. Tropical Ireland. We'll get lots more rain tomorrow and Friday and they are saying we'll potentially top it off with thunderstorms as the high pressure nudges Sam into Iceland. At least we aren't to get the full punch of a Category 4 storm, which it was as it churned in the Atlantic. Alex, with crew Cormac and Louise, are to deliver Aleria to Kilrush over the weekend, leaving Friday evening to anchor at Clare Island. Then Saturday motoring to Kilronan and Sunday on to Kilrush, possibly hauling out on ...