Resolutions for 2020 - a Leap Year

We are rarely given extra time, but as 2020 is a leap year, this year we may feel like we have an entire extra day to do with as we please. I personally do not intend to squander it. February 29 falls on a Saturday so, if it works out weather-wise, we are going to take this extra time to get out on the water and mess about in boats! Here are some more resolutions for the leap year: Introduce at least 10 people to sailing this year, esp. kids Strive to learn something new every day on the water Make a point of gently teaching/coaching novice sailors Get in better shape for sailing Go out even when you don't feel like it Inspire young people to interact more with nature Become attuned to marine biodiversity and contribute to the citizen science database Clean up some beaches and islands Encourage people to try something new on the water, whether kayaking or SUP Improve my own small boat handling skills Make it fun, regardless And here are a few thought...