Book review: Facing Fear

I first heard about Lisa Blair after news of her dismasting in the Southern Ocean some 1000 miles from anywhere in a furious storm. I was so moved by her story of courage and survival instinct that I nominated her for the OCC Seamanship Award, which she won. As the person responsible for the OCC PR effort, I then had the pleasure of corresponding with her to get information and photos I needed for press contacts. I was mightily impressed and inspired. Imagine how thrilled I was when I learned a couple of years later that she was writing a book about her experience and she had joined the Women Who Sail Who Write group. I asked Lisa for an advance review copy which she gladly sent to me during lockdown from Australia (at great expense I noticed -- sorry about that Lisa -- next time pdf). I have since devoured Facing Fear in two consecutive days. I couldn't put it down. She had me hooked from the first page. The first woman to circumnavigate Antarctica, she had intended to do ...