The OCC heads to the USA

Dublin the morning of our flight. Several years ago, when I joined the Board of the Ocean Cruising Club as Rear Commodore, I immediately wrote a proposal to circulate the OCC AGM and Awards dinner amongst the countries hosting the most members. Three years ago, we made the decision to hold the 2020 meeting in Annapolis MD. This was a major move as the AGM had always been held in the UK, and, until a few years ago, always in London. It then moved to Henley, Bristol and Wales, moving ever closer to the US. Of course, just as we were about to fly over, Covid erupted and all plans were cancelled. It was a wild time when no one knew what to expect and millions were dying from a disease unknown just months before. Fast forward two years, and mRNA and vector vaccines made it possible to consider a reboot of the event. And so we re-booked our trip to Annapolis with trepidation but also with anticipation. It had been two years of isolation and masked madness, and it was time to...