Free Publications from NOAA


Coastal waters covered in 10 US Coast Pilot books

Did you know that all the United States Coast Pilot® books are available for download free of charge, as are the updated Navigation Rules?  The best part is that every time you download them they will have been updated from the previous editions. No heavy books to carry around, no paper to get wet. Just download to your PC or tablet and go. 

The  US Coast Pilot consists of a series of nautical books that cover information important to navigators of coastal and intracoastal waters of the US and the Great Lakes. Issued in ten volumes, they contain supplemental information that is difficult to portray on a nautical chart.

Together with your nautical charts, they form a fundamental library of navigation information that will enhance your cruising experience in US waters. But beware, incomplete and inaccurate reproductions of US Coast Pilot are being sold on the commercial market.  And since Coast Pilot updates are no longer included in the Coast Guard Local Notice to Mariners or NGA Notice to Mariners, this website is the only place to get the updates that are issued weekly. Hard copies of Coast Pilot can be purchased from NOAA Certified Coast Pilot Distributors and are up-to-date at the time of printing.

You can also find lists of NOAA certified paper chart distributors here

Coast Pilot 1 - Eastport, ME to Cape Cod MA

Coast Pilot 2 - Cape Cod, MA to Sandy Hook, NJ

Coast Pilot 3 - Sandy Hook, NJ to Cape Henry, VA

Coast Pilot 4 - Cape Henry, VA to Key West, FL

Coast Pilot 5 - Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

Coast Pilot 6 - Great Lakes and Connecting Waterways

Coast Pilot 7 - California 

Coast Pilot 8 - Alaska: Dixon Entrance to Cape Spencer

Coast Pilot 9 - Alaska: Cape Spencer to Beaufort Sea

Coast Pilot 10 - Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Pacific Isles

To download pilots for your regional waters, just highlight the region of interest on the map on this page and choose to download the entire volume or just specific sections. 


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