Out on the Bay

It's been a wild year. Pandemic, Alex's mum had a stroke, Russia attacked Ukraine. We've been on some battlefront for more than two years now. Alex's mum suffered a stroke a year ago and then a second a year later exactly to the day. She never recovered from the second stroke, and it's a blessing to know she is at peace. We had a lovely service in the Church of Ireland to a packed crowd with a cellist playing Bach. It was worthy. Then Siobhan did a service at the crematorium in Cavan which was even better. A tribute, some readings, some singing, a good send off with the Moores in tow. Then we went off to the Moore's for dinner and a sleep. The shared stories were a great send-off. Now, as we prepared to head off for America to see family for the first time in years and for the OCC AGM, I am trying to catch up on planting and transplanting, and testing, and preparing and packing all of which we haven't done in years. How strange that life has changed so muc...