Launch, finally

We finally got Aleria into the water in Kilrush. Quite late but at least she's there. We have loads of work to do before we can bring her home. Run halyards that are stuck, hank on the sails, provision, etc. We brought a lot of stuff down, but not everything we need for the delivery. We can't do it this week as the folks buying Ross House are here and we need to work with them on stuff. The weather has been ridiculously hot, dry and calm for at least a month. Today is the first rain we've had in ages. They say we are developing a Mediterranean climate. And it's happening fast. We have interest in her from the broker so hopefully that will come through. She's a bit much for us to handle these days. I'm feeling my birth years and so is Alex. We got home at 10:30 pm and it was still light. Gotta love this place.