Sails, finally


After a month's delay due to Alex's experience of anaphylaxis due to bee stings, we finally got back down to Kilrush to hank on the sails and retrieve the stuck halyards. Alex climbed the mast using the climbing gear and it took a long time, not having done it in so long. But we were successful in retrieving and freeing two halyards that had crossed at the top. Phew!

Then we managed to get the yankee up but Alex had forgotten to tie on both sheets, so back down it came only to go back up again. That was a lot of cranking. 

Next, we did the easy sail -- the mizzen -- in case we didn't get to the main. So at least we'd be able to sail her home jib and jigger. 

But we prevailed and stuck it out to hoist the main. What a beast! Getting it up was okay, getting it flaked and put away was another story in passing squalls. 

We shared the drive home, both of us utterly exhausted, and Alex summarily shattered. We are most certainly feeling our age. 

The next day, I had to drive to Castlebar to get my second knee injection ( Hyaluronic acid) while Alex attended a launch event, and then we'd be driving to Galway for the Arts Festival while the timber was delivered for the shed. Everything Everywhere ALL at once. 

We hope to sail Aleria home next week. The latest start to the season ever. 


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