The Alerians at ICC Christmas lunch

As Alex is now ICC Rear Commodore for the West, we are closely involved with events and activities organised by ICC throughout the year. He recruited Maeve and Louis Keating to help organise the Christmas lunch. For years it had been held in Kinvarra, Co Galway, but the last time they ran out of space and several people had to be split from the group and seated downstairs. That didn't go down well. Besides we like to mix it up a bit and experience new venues around Ireland. Maeve and Louis Keating were enlisted to help out, as we wanted to move the event further south to capture some of the folks who might have not come north in a while. They booked Gallagher’s Restaurant in Bunratty, Co Clare. It turned out to be a brilliant venue. It's just down the road from Bunratty Castle and the Folk Village, which had a magical holiday vibe. It was packed with Christmas celebration groups and children visiting Santa (there were six of them in the Village). We had a nook all to oursel...