The Black Demon returns

It was a beautiful calm, sunny evening after a chilly and windy day. Alex said, "How would you like to go for a spin?" I wasn't feeling good but he was looking so hopeful that I had to go along. We drove down to the slip towing the shiny Century Black Demon with the RTV. We launched her into the calm Bay waters and waited to see what would happen. "She floats," we both exclaimed in unison. Alex took her out and got her up planing, then returned to pick me up at the dock. She's not the easiest to crawl into or out of. But we managed. He opened her up and out of our inlet. The choppy waters outside were a bit uncomfortable so we came back in. Half an hour and we were lifting her back out of the water. The grin on his face from ear to ear was worth every ounce of effort. A winter's work paid off. The Black Demon is back!