Happy Hooking Webinar with SSCA May 4, 2019
We are conducting our Happy Hooking webinar online this coming Saturday, May 4 through Seven Seas University of the SSCA. It will begin at 1100h EDT and we'll be broadcasting from the west of Ireland. You don't have to be a member of SSCA to join in. Anyone can listen in and ask questions in this interactive online session. If you've never taken part in a webinar, it would be a good idea to test your system in advance as it requires a small download to activate. We'll be including new material from the latest edition of our book, which has been trending at No. 1 in anchoring and Top 100 in sailing books on Amazon. You can sign up online here.
SEA102: Happy Hooking - the art of anchoring
Speakers: Alex and Daria Blackwell
Saturday, May 4, 2019 11:00am EDT
Registration fee: $20 members, $25 non-members
The Happy Hooking - The Art of Anchoring webinar is loaded with valuable information on anchoring tackle, anchoring technique, tying up and rafting, and anchoring etiquette. Just like knowing how to stop your car before you start is perhaps the most important part of driving, Alex and Daria Blackwell feel that anchoring is perhaps the most important skill you can and should acquire in boating. Anchoring a boat can be a lovely dance in a harbor, or a painful and often embarrassing display of a crews inability to plan or communicate. Alex and Daria endeavor to help you find a combination of tackle and technique best suited for your circumstances when anchoring your vessel. By outlining how different anchors work, the pluses and minuses of different pieces of equipment, the current thinking about how to deploy this equipment, and how to select an anchorage, they arm you with enough information to make some informed decisions about what might work best for you.
SEA102: Happy Hooking - the art of anchoring
Speakers: Alex and Daria Blackwell
Saturday, May 4, 2019 11:00am EDT
Registration fee: $20 members, $25 non-members
The Happy Hooking - The Art of Anchoring webinar is loaded with valuable information on anchoring tackle, anchoring technique, tying up and rafting, and anchoring etiquette. Just like knowing how to stop your car before you start is perhaps the most important part of driving, Alex and Daria Blackwell feel that anchoring is perhaps the most important skill you can and should acquire in boating. Anchoring a boat can be a lovely dance in a harbor, or a painful and often embarrassing display of a crews inability to plan or communicate. Alex and Daria endeavor to help you find a combination of tackle and technique best suited for your circumstances when anchoring your vessel. By outlining how different anchors work, the pluses and minuses of different pieces of equipment, the current thinking about how to deploy this equipment, and how to select an anchorage, they arm you with enough information to make some informed decisions about what might work best for you.
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