Last Leg - Return to Clew Bay!


We dropped the mooring and headed for home. We could either stop at Clare Island to await the tide or head into Clew Bay and drop anchor for a while. We opted for the latter which would give us a chance to tidy up before heading in around half tide. We had a lot of packing up to do.

There have been reports of the ferries seeing many basking sharks in the Middle Ground lately, so we kept a good lookout but did not spot one. 

We dropped anchor off Inishoo. Two fishing boats were milling about but it did not look like they were doing much catching. As we tidied up, Alex dropped a hook in the water but soon lost interest when nothing bit. 

It's astounding how small Inishoo has become. It seems it shrinks every time we pass by it. Soon there will only be a shallow and Inishgowla will take the brunt of the Atlantic storms. 

It was blowing much harder than predicted so we moved inside Inisgowla for more protection. There we wiled away several hours. I read Chris' memoir while Alex putzed around. I still contend that my favourite thing to do is drop anchor by Inishgowla and hang out. I really don't have to see the world when I am in Clew Bay. This is all the world I need. 

When it was time to head in, the wind was still blowing stronger than expected from the West. The tide was well on its way in, and we executed the perfect manoeuvre, picking up the mooring on the first try. Now to offload all our stuff and head home. I hope the fur babies won't be too upset! 


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