30-metre monster wave recorded off Irish coast

The remnants of Hurricane Epsilon were stirring up the seas last night. The M6 buoy off the west coast recorded one of the highest waves ever seen anywhere in the world -- 30 metres or 98.4 ft. The wind has been blowing steadily for hours. Blowing 40 kts gusting 55 kts since 10 am. It's now 5 pm. As I drove to Alex's mum's house with groceries and meals today, her inlet had white-capped rollers breaking over the road and depositing rocks on it. I was hurrying to get home before the road went under at the high tide. The video is of our inlet. Much more subdued, but no view of Croagh Patrick today. And not raining at the moment. So much flooding everywhere. It's going to be a long winter. 'The tide is high but I'm holdin' on I'm gonna be your number one...'